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Course schedule

WeekLectureSlidesAssignmentsPeer-review comments
1Course introductionL0HW0 release 
2Parallel and distributed programmingL1  
3Introduction to parallel hardware and softwareL2HW1 release 
4Shared-memory programming with PthreadsL3-1  
5Shared-memory programming with PthreadsL3-2HW1 due
HW2 release
6No lecture (National Day)   
7Shared-memory programming with OpenMPL4-1HW2 due 
8Shared-memory programming with OpenMPL4-2HW3 release 
9Distributed-memory programming with MPIL5-1 L5-2  
10Data parallel programming with CUDAL6HW3 due
HW4 release
11Data parallel programming with CUDA/OpenCL   
12Data parallel programming with OpenCL/OpenACCL7 L8 MapReduceHW4 due
HW5 release
13Final project presentations   
14Final project presentations HW5 due
HW6 release
15Final project presentations   
16Final project presentations HW6 due 

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